Thursday 10 January 2013

How to film a live event

In our last post we spoke about the benefits of event filming and how it is now possible to share those moments with customers, staff, family and friends around the world. Today I would like to share with you the process of filming an event and how planning and communication is crucial for these productions to run smoothly. Read More

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Event filming

There have always been benefits of event filming, however with the advent of the Internet and video distribution being made a lot easier, the benefits of filming an event are greater then ever before. 

To give you an example we just finished filming a birthday party for a lady who lives in America, we shared the video through Dropbox and she gave us her feedback. Now Monica has a digital copy of the event filmed and is able to share it with all her family members and friends. Ten years ago this would have been impossible to do.

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